Sunrise IX
August mornings (Sunrise #9) : Leaving the gym, around 6:45am, looking east on Market Street. (L to R: 8/18/18; 8/9/18; 8/10/18; 8/14/18; 8/15/18; 8/16/18; 8/17/18; 8/27/18; 8/28/18; 8/29/18; 8/30/18; 8/31/18)
August mornings (Sunrise #9) : Leaving the gym, around 6:45am, looking east on Market Street. (L to R: 8/18/18; 8/9/18; 8/10/18; 8/14/18; 8/15/18; 8/16/18; 8/17/18; 8/27/18; 8/28/18; 8/29/18; 8/30/18; 8/31/18)