
Posts tagged video design

This commercial is the reason I want the car.

Admittedly, I’m not a car guy. I saw this commercial on TV the other day and was immediately interested. There are a number of reasons I responded to the commercial:

  • The song - Jay-Z & Kanye West (The Throne) feat. Frank Ocean, “No Church In The Wild”
  • The typeface used in the commercial (not the actual typeface associated with the car)
  • The editing, writing, and subtle humor

But what really drew me in is the discussion of process and perfection. As a creative thinker, the second anyone starts talking about process, sketching, ideas, brainstorming, revisions, or how something evolved from start to finish - I’m instantly hooked. The creators of this commercial use some sarcasm to play off “making a groundbreaking car… it’s that easy.” Yet, the audience (and fellow creative thinkers) know how accurate the depiction of the process is. The whole ‘sketch>sketch>revise>revise>edit>sketch>sketch>edit>design….’ process is my favorite part of designing. 

So while this post is about a car commercial, it has nothing to do with the car they’re trying to sell me (although with strong promotion like this, Dodge clearly captured my attention.)